Monday, July 8, 2013

Into the Wild

       Well I have officially been at Sewanee for a full day--it has been a lot to take in, but exciting! I've gradually been meeting many of the people I'll soon be having an enormous adventure with and am looking forward to getting know them better and meet the rest! Many of them I've attended Rhodes with for two years but have not known before, which is strange but at the same time a great opportunity to make some new friends!
      Alex and I have a nice room and are all unpacked. I also really enjoyed our class this morning. It goes from 9:30-11:45, with a religion section taught the first hour by one professor and a history section taught the next by another, with a fifteen minute break. I found it very engaging, though the material is mostly review. I'm looking forward to going again tomorrow!
     The humidity is high on The Mountain, but the weather is very nice. We've already had two rainstorms and I saw a COMPLETE rainbow with a smaller double which was beautiful.

It is beautiful here. It really makes me think of Rhodes, but it has a tinge of wildness that is a foreign country to the manicured lawns and urban sounds of my own college. I'm coming to the unfortunate conclusion that McGlurgh is better than the Rat--I've actually liked everything I've tried there. The sandwich lady was so friendly as she handed me my chicken salad I felt a million miles from the Lair.
     In one hour I will be twenty years old. It feels strange to have a birthday away from home, but I don't i'll think about it too much tomorrow with class and everything going on. I'll have some of my birthday cake, though :)

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