Friday, July 26, 2019

My Birthday!

On July 9th, I turned TWENTY SIX years old. I know, it is a little terrifying. It is always hard to spend a birthday away from home--this isn't my first time--but new friends here in Uppsala made sure I didn't feel sad or lonely.

My friend Sami surprised me with a Prinsessroll, a traditional Swedish cake! And we all went out for drinks and pizza at GH, one of the Uppsala University Nations. The Nations are a major part of the social life of Uppsala. They are essentially student social clubs, like fraternities, that stand for various regions of sweden. They originated in the Middle Ages, when young boys were sent away to school from their homes, and the Nations were a place they could gather with people from their own regions.

Also I fell out of my chair. When teachers warn you not to lean back on your chair legs ... they're right!!

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